Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is today – are you prepared? At our last MOPS meeting our guest speaker was our own mentor mom, Marie Jackson. How appropriate that the title of her talk was “How Do I Make Love with My Kids Wrapped Around My Knees?
Marie spoke quite candidly about that three letter word many of us don’t like to talk about out loud. Yes, I’m talking about SEX. Her talk centered on how we as Christian women needed to be able to talk openly about sex with our husbands and how to find creative ways to incorporate sex back into our marriages.
Marie asked everyone to commit to the 7 day challenge – check out this link for more info- http://thesexperiment.com/sexual-chocolate-married. Here’s to making our marriages even stronger and our men even happier!
Marie also gave us a list of 50 date night suggestion.  Here are just a few to get you started:
1.       Make your own fondue – use a fondue pot (or crock pot) and dip fresh fruit, cake cookies, etc. into melted chocolate.
2.       Have a game night – pull out your board games for some friendly competition.
3.       Have a picnic – either outdoors or indoors.
4.       Find out your love languages – take the 5 Love Languages Quiz at http://www.5lovelanguages.com/assessments/30-second-quizzes/love - end the evening with chocolate dipped strawberries
5.       Try a new restaurant
6.       Have a spa night – incorporate massages, bubble baths, etc.
7.       Go for a test drive – head out to your nearest car dealership and test drive your dream car.
8.       Make a monthly date calendar – give your spouse a list of 12+ dates on a card or a full size page. The more options he has to choose from, the better. Put some of his interests on their as well. Make him another sheet with that lists each month on there – add the date that he chooses to each month.
On Wednesday, February 15 we will be having another mother’s night out at Nicole Copeman-Maynard’s house (NEED ADDRESS) at 7 p.m. Bring your favorite dish to share as well as copies of the recipe so that everyone goes home with some new ideas.
Our craft of the day was bath bombs – easy to make! Here is the recipe for anyone that wants to make some.
Bath Bombs
½ part citric acid (½ cup)
1 part baking soda (1 cup)
15-20 drops of essential oil (any kind you like)
2-3 tbs of witch hazel in a spray bottle
Mixing bowl
Parchment paper
Mold or cookie cutter
Step 1 – lay out a sheet of parchment paper on the counter or table. In a large bowl, add the citric acid and baking soda, using a whisk or fork to mix thoroughly.

Step 2 – Add essential oils to spray bottle with the witch hazel. Spray witch hazel mixture into baking soda mixture with one hand. With the other hand, continue to mix the contents of the bowl – you will feel the powder starting to get damp after several seconds (it only takes a tiny spray to get damp).
Step 3 – When you can clump the mixture in your fist, pack it tightly in to a mold or cookie cutter. Work quickly as the witch hazel dries fast!

Step 4 – Let your bath bombs dry slightly, then gently twist the mold or push through the cookie cutter to pop them out on the parchment paper. Let them dry completely – keep them away from water until you are ready to use them!
Step 5 – Store them in a plastic container, seal them in baggies or wrap each one to give as gifts.

Make Plans to attend the Share Your Faith Workshop on Saturday, February 18 from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Fellowship of the Parks (9900 N. Beach Street, Keller, TX 76244). The meeting will take place in the Lounge.
In this workshop, taught by instructor Marty Phagan, you will learn a simple, easy to remember tool for sharing your faith with others, renew your passion for the lost and be motivated to prayerfully seek opportunities to share your faith.

EE trainers will also be available for on-the-job training visitations with workshop participants at future dates. Cost is $28 per person (includes lunch). Sign up at the Connection Point at FOTP(www.fellowshipoftheparks.com) .
I hope you are enjoying reading our blog – please leave us a comment and let us know how we are doing! There might be a prize drawing J.

Thanks for reading!

Brandon Gallop Rice

Monday, February 6, 2012



I hope everyone is still reading! I am behind on my blog posts but promise to do a better job of keeping everyone informed of what’s going on.
I promised to include some information on your steering committee so I am introducing two members this week. Here they are:

Marie Jackson – Mentor Mom
Hi!  My name is Marie Jackson.  I am the biological mother of 4; an adopted mom of 4 more and a foster mom of many!!  My children range in age from 3-18.  I love being a wife and mom and wouldn't change a thing. I graduated college with a degree in accounting and only used it for about a year.  I hated the corporate world.  I met my husband when our oldest daughter was 1; he is my very best friend and the love of my life.   I became a stay at home mom 15 years ago when I was nearing the end of my 2nd pregnancy.   I would not be nearly as successful as a wife and mother had I not began my MOPS dependency 14 1/2 years ago.   I was 22; I had a four year old daughter, an infant, a brand new relationship with Christ, a hard working husband and not a single girl friend when I walked through the doors of my very first MOPS meeting.  I am still thankful to this day for the relationships that were birthed there and the lessons that I have learned.

I stay busy taking care of my family, work a little bit from home when I can and spend whatever time I can serving a gracious God through the ministries He puts in my path.  I truly believe there is no greater joy than what comes from serving others.  I LOVE scrapbooking and blogging, but have little time to do either.  My favorite thing is when people think I look way too young to be my daughter's mom.  I don't fit the mold of the "conservative Christian", I live a step outside the box, and I am happy there.  I detest legalism and am grateful beyond words to be a part of a church family that practices relationship above religion.  I love my piercings and tattoos and I am pretty sure Jesus does too.

 Dawn Lydick – MOPS Coordinator and MOPPETS Coordinator

Hello!  My name is Dawn Lydick.  I have been attending FOTP since around 2001.  I am currently a stay at home mom.  It is the most challenging and rewarding job I have ever had.  I have had several career paths mostly because I have a short attention span and thrive on challenge and change!  I struggle with the job of being a mommy (the tedium, constant demands and lack of "brain space") but love the kisses, hugs and that special bond I have with my daughter.

I moved to Texas with my job in Human Resources for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway in 2000.  I was born and raised in Montana where my family still lives.  I have traveled extensively and have lived in several places.  While in Texas, I married a native Texan and gave birth to one.  It looks like I will be staying here a while! 

I married Drew Lydick in 2005 when we were both 40.  We met through Match.com in 2003.  Neither of us had been married before.  We both were of the philosophy that we would rather be on our own than with the wrong person.  We feel so blessed that we found each other.  We are the greatest of friends and our personalities really complement each other.  He is very laid back, quiet and reserved.  I am an energizer bunny.  We balance each other well.

Our greatest blessing arrived in January 2005 when I was nearly 42 years old.  Evelyn keeps us entertained and challenged to say the least.  She has my energy and her daddy's sense of humor.  She loves to perform - singing, talking and acting constantly.  Can we say "drama" is her passion?  She attends FOTP's Mother's Day Out Program on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We both get a chance to be social with our own friends on those days!

I still love to travel and explore.  I still thrive on challenge and change.  It is interesting to see how all of this meshes with my family life as Evelyn grows up.  What a great adventure!

Next week I’ll profile two more of your steering team.  There might be a test/giveaway just to see who is reading!!
Thanks for reading!
Brandon Gallop Rice