Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rambling Thoughts

I know I haven't posted anything in awhile and I apologize for that. Things have been pretty hectic for my family lately. However, I am back on track!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day - I sure enjoyed spending time with my husband and daughter.

Can you believe we only have one meeting left before MOPS is out for summer! What are you planning on doing with your kids this summer? Here is Marie's blog where she has listed out lots of fun things to do this summer. I am definitely going to try some of these.


How many of you are now making your own laundry soap and dishwasher detergent? I absolutely loved the laundry detergent sample that Jean Ann made and gave us. However, my husband did not! Seems he had a severe allergic reaction to the detergent so I am back to using good old All (free and clear of course).

I am going to try some of the other cleaners that she gave us recipes for - let me know if you do as well. We can compare notes on how well (or not) they work.

Just a reminder that our last meeting is next Wednesday, May 23.

Thanks again for reading!

P.S. If you haven't seen this video, please check it out! Hilarious look at motherhood from Christian comedian Anita Renfroe.
