Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Volunteering with Kids

Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. ~Elizabeth Andrew

Teaching young kids about volunteering can be tricky.
The thought of taking a 4-year-old to the food pantry would likely make even the most seasoned mother panic.
So, how do you instill those kinds of values into your child?
Kristen Horton, Cornerstone Assistance Network Director of Volunteers, discussed volunteer opportunities with our Mops group today.

click here to learn more about Cornerstone Assistance Network

"I think volunteering with your preschooler starts with age-appropriate conversations," Horton said.
  • initiate the conversation
  • find a volunteer opportunity that relates to them
  • bring it down to their level - don't scare them
  • instill compassion
  • look for opportunities to bless children the same age as your children

Ideas on how to volunteer with your child

Reverse Trick-or-Treating:

Horton suggested going to a nursing home with your children and passing out cookies or treats to the elderly.
Making friendly conversation with those at the nursing home and bring a treat would likely make their day, Horton said. It would also, instill compassion, she said.

"I think a key to volunteering with preschoolers is mentoring and modeling at home," Horton said.


Put together food baskets to donate with your children.
"Let them see the meal come together," Horton said. "Let them go grocery shopping with you."


Operation Christmas Child (we are putting boxes together at the next meeting, Nov. 14, click here to visit the website.) * Let your child help you shop for your child. If they're old enough, let them watch the video on the site. *Adopt a child their age, to help them feel connected.

Other ways

  • Clean out the toy box. Let them pick out toys to donate, Horton said.
  • Have a Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive at their preschool and then donate the items to a food bank.
  • Buy large bags of rice and beans and then have your children help separate them into smaller portions.
  • Prepare care packages for the homeless (toothbrush, sanitary items, non-perishable foods) and keep them handy in your vehicle.
"It's simple and makes your child aware of what's going on in the world," Horton said.

Cornerstone Assistance Network also holds quarterly workshops and could always use help with child care, Horton said.
Bringing your child to help out in that atmosphere could help your child understand, she said.
"It's all about connecting those items for them," she said.

-For more information on how to volunteer with with Cornerstone Assistance Network, email Horton at or call her at 817-632-6001.

Next meeting on Nov. 14

Along with putting together our Operation Christmas Child boxes, we will be making holiday goodies. Bring pictures to make photo coasters!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 Mistakes a Good Mother Makes [recap]

 Sometimes, it takes every fiber in our being to make it through the day of motherhood. Sometimes, we second guess our parenting styles. And, just sometimes we give in to our kids to simply get some peace and quiet. But every once and awhile, we have a day that goes semi-smooth.
 At our Nov. 10 meeting, Amy Baggett, a Dallas-based speaker and author, spoke about her book, 10 Mistakes a Good Mom Makes.

Click here to learn more about Amy Baggett

 Can you relate?

Some of the mistakes discussed by Baggett, included becoming a "Magic Genie," an "Extreme Home Makeover Mom" or a "Dog Trainer."
A "Magic Genie Mom" grants every wish their child's heart could even fathom. Typically, a "Magic Genie" mom is doing everything for their child. They please their child no matter what, Baggett said.
Parents need to find a way to work with toddlers, not just for them, Baggett said.
If you currently fall into this category, Baggett had some simple tips:
* Find where to draw the line.
*Work with the toddler - not for the toddler.
* Get into a routine cycle through out the day - do a chore with your child, then play together and then rest separately.
Teaching your children how to do chores at an early age will help teach responsibility and take some weight off your shoulders.
Also, durring rest/nap/quiet time, take time for yourself instead of scrambling to do all of the chores. You will be energized and will be able to give your children more attention.
An "Extreme Home Makeover Mom" raise their children the completely opposite of how they were raised.
Baggett gave an example of her friend who was the  youngest of  four siblings. Her friend often felt neglected and her parents never had enough time for her or took interest in her activities.
In turn, she became completely involved in her own children's lives to the point where they relied only on her.
As a result, dad could never change a diaper the correct way. Or the grand parent could never could dinner just the right way.
So, what started out with good intentions, led Baggett's friend into a whole new set of problems.
The "Dog Trainer" will most likely have a shelf full of childhood manuals, alway reward the good behavior and always punish the bad behavior. Their child will also likely be the best behaved child on the block.
This doesn't sound bad, right?
"If that's where the disipline stops, we're treating them like dogs," Baggett said.
As preschoolers, this type of "training" is fine, she said.
However, as teenagers, they may do things that peers reward and reject things that friends view as negaitive.
Instead, we should strive to have our children follow values, not rewards, Baggett said.

Mom vs. Food

"We don't want to be in a power struggle over food," Baggett said.
Many women in MOPS today, expressed interest in discussing food issues with thei children. If you're in WWIII with your child over eating habits, Baggett had these tips for you:
* As the mom, you decide what and when the child eats.
*The child gets to decide, if and how much they get to eat.
*The child must eat everything on the plate before they get more/different food.
*If the child won't finish what's on the plate, they don't get another option.
*If the child gets hungry, let them wait until the next planned meal.
*The child will likely be hungry and eat what is prepared for them at the next meal.

Our next meeting is Nov. 24 and our speaker will be from Cornerstone Assistance Network. For more information, visit 

MOPS Fall Fundraiser

 We are excited to announce our Fall Mini Session Fundraiser! All proceeds from the photography mini sessions will go towards MOPS and further our mission on helping mothers of preschoolers be the best mothers they can be.
 Adrian McCandless and Jen Sebring are both local photographers, attend Fellowship of the Parks and are members of MOPS. They are looking forward to using their talents God gave them to serve the community and help provide funding for the MOPS program at FOTP.

*Available appointments are in yellow.